For Eucharistic Ministers:

Do you feel inspired and especially reverent in regards to the Holy Eucharist? Can you see yourself taking our Lord to the sick and to the shut in whose access to Holy Communion is restricted but whose desire to receive Him is great. Perhaps you are being called to this ministry, that of Eucharistic Minister. If you are a practicing Catholic in good standing and you believe that you can serve Our Lord in this very special way, we invite you to call and discuss it by contacting Monsignor John Siekierski at 219-398-2341. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

For Lectors:

Do you feel a special inspiration from listening to the readings and gospel during Mass? Do you feel the scripture readings come alive for you and perhaps feel the desire to proclaim them yourself for the congregation? If you are comfortable speaking or reading before large groups and have good diction and a good speaking voice, or feel that this is something you can do, then you might consider the Lectors ministry as another special way to serve Our Lord. If you are a practicing Catholic in good standing we’d like to hear from you. We invite you to call and discuss it by contacting Monsignor John Siekierski at 219-398-2341. We look forward to hearing from you soon.