Troop #7 Of East Chicago, Indiana

Just 7 years after scouting began in the United States, scouting began at St. Stanislaus Parish. Earliest records being vague, to the best of knowledge Troop #7 began in January 1917 with Martin Hanyzewski as first Scoutmaster with 17 boys. Pastor Fr. Budnik was the first institutional representative. Father Michael Gapacz, Mike Kmiecik and Father Michael Petzol followed as Scoutmasters through 1922, and many young men joined. While none of these reached the rank of Eagle Scout a goodly number achieved to be business men, leaders in industry and public servants.

There was a void in the mid twenties and Fr. Milewski revived the troop, but the depression came and ours as many troops went disbanding. In 1935 Mr. Mike Kmiedilc started the troop again with himself as Scoutmaster, and scouting continues at St. Stanislaus to the present day. In 1937 Cub Pack #7 began with Eugene Sulicz as the first Cubmaster. They became the lifeblood for Troop #7. A separate account will be given on the Cub Scout Pack #7.

As the years progressed 18 men served as scoutmasters and 15 served as chairman. The longest tenure as Scoutmaster was 27 years by Ed Szczepanski, and Mike Czapla serving as chairman for 26 years. Serving as Scoutmaster were:

1917 Hanyzewski. Martin 1939 Myzejewski.Ted  1953 Rafa, Frank 1965 Szczepanski, Edward
1920 Rev. Gadacz, Michael  1945 Kolodziej, Frank 1956 Koziow, Albert 1993 Wooden, Mike
1921 Petzold, Michael  1948 Myzejewski, Ted   1959 Mysliwy, Eugene 1994 Sierra Gregg
1922 Kmiecik, Michael  1951 Miklusiak, James  1961 Marszalek.Adam 1997 Ms. Vega, Rosa
1935 Kmiecik, Michael  1953 Hus.Leo 1963 Lebryk, Ted 1999 Flores, Mike
1936 Makowski, Edmund         

Assisting the Scoutmasters have been an endless list of wonderful people and those taking on chainnanship’s were but 15 people, but what great leaders they were. These being:

Bogusz, Thadius Trepcz, Charles Wilk, Joseph Golan, Siqmund
Stal, Thomas  Lula, Sam  Misk, Andrew Szczepanski, Edward
Paczkowski, Frank Tracz, Frank Dubis, Stanley Dziadowicz, Florian
Radchel, Joseph Czapla, Mike Bailor, Chester Rodriguez, Dave

These and others did not limit their services just to Troop #1 and Pack #7. Throughout the years, many served on Twin City Council and Calumet Council. Because of little or no records kept in the early days, we will never know how many young men progressed in rank and the total number of merit badges that were earned. But, be it known there were continuous accomplishments.

Camping, the heart of scouting, was done at Camp Happy, Inland Steel Dunes site. Camp Win-Sum, Camp Wright Estate on Tippecanoe River near Rochester and other sites in Indiana, Illinois and Wisconsin. For five years Twin City Council searched for land closer to home and in 1953, Camp Wright Reservation at Westville, Indiana was established. Troop #7 was very much involved. So highly was this camp regarded, that all units called it "Our Camp". Many were the National Honors our summer camp achieved.

Troop #7 began making its mark in early 50’s with our young men attending National Jamborees, World Jamborees, Camp Philimont, New Mexico Training Center, Order of Arrow Conclaves and the canoe base up north. One not to be forgotten week-end in Michigan had temperatures in the minus 60’s below chill factor and three feet of snow.

Equally remembered are the Amaquonsippi hikes in Bradford, Illinois in rain, heat and snow. In the mid 60’s a memorable occasion, the troop with Ted Lebryk as Scoutmaster and Ed Szczepanski as chairman had its first eagle court of honor with 8 eagle scouts. In these days too Twin City Council first aid meets are well remembered, as Troop #7 excelled to a very high degree.

The early 70’s will long be remembered for the loss of Twin City Council in the year we celebrated Twin City Council’s 50th Anniversary. This was a very sad blow. Worse was the loss of Camp Wright. A camp that consistently netted high national ratings for its high standards of leadership and the scouts great achievements at summer camp. Even greater was the loss of leadership in troop and council level, as most units dropped scouting. Troop #7 being the only one to continue. For Troop #7, greater was the loss of committee member in the 70’s and 80′ Ziggy Golan, John Haburay, Joseph Kish, Joseph Matusik, Milton Bowman and Wesley Hope. Other great losses were Eagle Scouts William Brown and Bernard "BG" Drosos. All who answered to the great Scoutmaster!

As the years went by, the list of Eagle Scouts grew. And, of great importance to be remembered, when the parents cared and participated with their sons in scouting it was inevitable that the young men achieved scoutings highest honor, the coveted rank of Eagle Scout.

Past and present committee accomplishments were outstanding to say the least. With 20 to 40 years of longevity, they served on Cut Scouts, District and Council Committees. They served as Council President, Advisory Boards, District Chairman, Camp Staffs, Jamboree Staffs, Order of Arrow, Explorer Advisors, Catholic Scout Committee, American Legion Post, District and State Level. In doing so, they have earned District Council and National Acclaim. Eleven have earned Scouters Key, five the Silver Beaver, 13 earned Catholic Scouting, St. George Award, 6 Pelican Awards, 2 were Knights of Calumet, 9 Order of Arrow Vigil Award and One Edward Szczepanski was recognized as Scoutmaster of the year for East Central Region. Not to be outdone, 63 Troop 7 Scouts, earned the coveted rank of Eagle Scout. 103 earned Catholic Scouting’s Ad Altare Dei Award, 18 earned the Pope Pius award, 5 earned the (Honored Campers) Order of Arrow Vigil award.

Interesting is that 6 families, Joseph Bolsega, Tony Babinec, William Brown, John Gregor, Ted Lebryk and Robert Moha, each had 2 Eagle Scouts. the Paul Klocek family had 3 Eagle Scouts, the Arthur Fores family had 4 Eagle Scouts and the Ed Szczepanski family had 5 Eagle Scouts. This being a great achievement as the odds of this are tremendous. 63 Eagle Scouts have earned over 2,600 Ment Badges, and still counting. Tony Czapla having earned 86 Merit Badges and John Zwiers, 92 Merit Badges. These merit badges help a young man in choosing his way of life.

In 1992 the troop celebrated its 75th Anniversary, 46 of 59 Eagle Scouts came to this event. Very notable, is that 80% of them went on to Colleges and Universities, and came out with either one major and two minors or two majors and I minor. Doctors, Lawyers, Teachers and many in Hi-Tech Businesses. The books are closed. Good Lord willing. Troop #7 will continue with Scouting at its best.