Prior to the 1950, there was a Holy Name Society which for whatever reason was disbanded. Rev. Stanley Milewski, assistant at the parish, deemed that a parish should have a Holy Name Society. The first organizational meeting of our Holy Name Society’ was held on December 13, 1953 and within one month over one hundred men were signed up.  Established first and foremost was declaring every second Sunday of the month as Holy Name Sunday, encompassing a corporate Communion with breakfast and a meeting following. A guest speaker at least three or four times a year was decided on.

Spirituality was first and foremost in mind, and in that vein it organized a layout of functions at beginning of each fiscal year. Securing speakers, taking leadership courses, with Indiana Catholic Conference Association, taking part in church functions, sponsoring and encouraging people to attend Mass at special occasions. In the early sixties they began their first retreat at the Franciscan Fatima Retreat House. It was a humble beginning with only six in attendance, on November of 1961. As years went by the attendance at retreats grew to 30 men. Regretful was the day when we were informed that there will be no more retreats at Fatima Retreat House.

In February 1963, the first Valentine Dinner Dance was sponsored with occasion to honor a "Man of the Year". This being Tony Kreczmer’s idea, he was the first chairman. The annual fund-raiser was a smoker, which lasted but a few years. In December 1967 a pancake breakfast became the outstanding fund-raiser which continues even to this day. Within a few years the Sewing Circle and Craft Club joined in with a mini bazaar. This event grew to gathering people from 60 miles around and up to 1200 attending. The organization was fortunate in procuring a commercial grill. In early days a Holy Name family picnic was held. Later a baseball outing was established, by going to either the White Sox or Cubs games. This is an on going. program. The Mothers’ Day program embarked and became an immediate success, and still going on.

Since the early 60s second Sunday in February was and still is dedicated to Scout Sunday. It is a day for honoring and recognizing all scout Leaders and scout units of the Parish. It begins with a Mass, breakfast, and a program after Mass. Note-worthy is the fact that many of the boy scout leaders are Holy Name members.

Every few years Post 369 joins the Holy Name Society at Mass, breakfast and program, honoring the Four Chaplains who in World War II gave their lives that others might live, when the ship Dorchester sank. The Holy Name Society also works with Club KiYowga, and the Knights of Columbus.

Throughout the years the society was always the heart to support our youth. It begin bearing total cost of our Athletic Association programs until they were able to go on their own. They also helped the C.Y.O., Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, altar servers, school scholarships and other numerous programs just too numerous to mention.

Every president (from day one) and all chair persons of different activities did a marvelous job in supporting the Pastor and our Parish.

Being a Holy Name President leaves an indelible mark on that person, and it is befitting to name each of our past presidents:

*Anthonyy Kozubal – 1953-55 *Michael Czapla – 1964-65 *Eugene Hanyzewski – 1973-74 *Anthony Kreczmer – 1984-86
*Sigmund Golan – 1955-56 *Chester Mysliwy – 1965-66 *Paul Klocek – 1974-75 *Anthony Drapac – 1986-87
*Ted Lebryk – 1956-57 *Leo Hus – 1966-67 *Joseph Wllk – 1975-76 Joel Markovich – 1987-89
*Albert Wozniak – 1957-58 Dan Tkacz – 1967-68 *Anthony Trojnar – 1976-77 William Drapac – 1989-91
*Matt Sidor – 1958-59 *Norbert Hudoba – 1968-69 *Andrew Pogorzelski – 1977-78 Joseph Rajchel – 1991-93
*Chester Mysliwiec – 1959-60 *Joseph Jakubowicz – 1969-70 *Michael Czapla – 1978-79 *Don Dsida – 1993-94
*Edward Teles – 1960-61 *Joseph Zych – 1970-71 *Stanley Surman – 1979-80  *Jim Haugh – 1994-96
*Anthony Kreczmer – 1961-62 *Joseph Jakubowicz – 1971-72 *Chet Szyndrowski – 1980-81 Stanley Panek – 1996-98
*Edward Szczepanski – 1962-63 *Adam Marszaiek – 1972-73 *Casimir Gadzala – 1981-82  John Panek – 1998-99
*Joseph Mysliwiec – 1963-64 *Phillip Zych – 1999-2000 Daniel Tkacz – 1982-84 Don Kolibowski – 2000-2001

* Deceased