“No Instrument However Perfect Can Surpass The Human Voice In Expressing Praise To Almighty God”

While History of St. Cecilia Choir at St. Stans was never kept, it was one of the first supportive organizations of this Parish. Records show that the Ladies Rosary Sodality formed in October of 1900, and the Choir in Spring of 1901.

Julian Glowacki was the first choir organist. He also served as a janitor. His fee was $75.00 a month, plus a bonus of 1.00 per each singing Mass. He continued his duties during Father Kubacki, Father Bolka and Father Budnik’s time. Following Glowacki was Mr. Tbientowski who started the children’s choir. Mr. Seja followed and then Casimir Wojnicki came in the 30’s and early 40’s. Sister Chrysanta took over the helm and was exceptional in bringing out the best in each member. She was then called to serve at the Motherhouse.

Mr. Jasinski was then introduced as the new organist. These were memorable days! Singing in concerts with other choirs…the St. Cecilia of St. John Cantius, Creation (Sloga) Glee Club, the Chopin choir and all male Paderewski Choir church our own organist, Walter Jasinski, also directed. Always eventful were Christmas and Easter season with the Church aglow and singing hymns of the season. Unforgettable was Good Friday (Ire-Ore) as were our Latin Vespers at Forty-Hours ‘devotion, drawing not only our parishioners but those of other faith. Our choir picnics were most enjoyable as were our get- togethers at least three times a year.

With the departure of Mr. Jasinski, Dave Jordan served a short term as an organist, as did Mr. Maciulis. In 1964 Father Henry Krysinski convinced Mrs. Cecilia Misiukiewicz to come from South Bend, Indiana. Her beautiful voice charmed choral concerts and music of the seasons for nearly 30 years. During her tenure as an organist, Vatican II had made changes in the liturgy. Mrs. “M” (as she was affectionately known) took on responsibility of leading the Parish from old to new, with myriads of composers and new hymns. She thought best to begin with the school children whom she was already teaching songs and plays. Then one year after the Christmas season she suffered a stroke affecting (of all things), her voice and one hand. Mrs. Misiukiewicz endeavored to play the organ, sing, and direct the choir; but with her health declining she had no choice, but to step aside for a young man, she herself tutored. Brian Marciniak took over for a short period when she resigned, but Brian resigned shortly after. With Brian’s resignation, Jean Poulos took over as organist. Within a short time, John Evans became die organist and director covering two Sunday Masses, Holy Days, Weddings and Special events; while Jean played the week day Mass, Funerals, and Saturday evening and Sunday Noon Masses. John Evans expanded and updated our Church music repertoire, added instruments, as well as a new Alien Digital Organ. John is ever pleased with the enthusiasm of the choir, which he radiates, and is looking forward with these qualities to plan for the auspicious One Hundredth Anniversary of our Parish in song and spirit.

Through the years we were blessed with many good and faithful organists and choir members. It would be amiss not to single out Walter Jasinski and Mrs. Cecilia Misiukiewicz for their long, faithful and excelling musical talents performed above normal best. With Gods blessings, and John Evans’ ever inspiring direction, we shall reach even greater heights.

Under John Evan’s direction, the choir has recorded two CD’s of Church Music: Spirit and Joy.