We, the parish family of St. Stanislaus dedicate ourselves to be ministers of the word of Jesus. Through the ministry, 14 pledge to provide meaningful liturgical celebrations and spiritual formation for both young people and adults. We promise to champion the causes of justice and concern for others establishing ministers necessary to meet the needs of the community. We hold ourselves accountable to our talents and stewardship to bring all community members closer to God. Found in truth and guided by the spirit we seek to accomplish this mission through our own example of love, respect and concern ft others in our Christian Community.

The format of the weekly bulletin was reformatted so that the Mission Statement could be prominently, seen au serve as a constant reminder. News of the needs, happenings and new developments in the Parish as well as the neighborhood and diocese were included.

With God given energy and willing volunteers, Father Joe initiated the following: Scripture Study, eucharistic Minsters, RCIA, a Finance Committee, Happy Timers, Rainbows for All God’s Children, and the Sunday Morning Rosary. monthly calendar needed to be published to keep up with all that was happening in the Parish.

So busy with doing the work required by these post Vatican II days,Father Joe was totally surprised on Sunday November 12, 1995 when the parish invited him to a Testimonial Dinner marking his twenty-five years of service among them. It was their way of letting him know how appreciative they were of his leading them on to all God was calling them 1 be. They had deliberately left this date off his copy of the calendar.

Caught off guard for the celebration of his silver service anniversary, Father Joe wanted to make sure the Paris would be prepared to celebrate its Centennial – five years away in the year 2000. A Centennial Committee was formed, at plans were in process for the renovation of the interior and exterior of the Church building, when Fr. Joe was reassigned 1 pastor of St. John the Cantius Parish in the Indiana Harbor section of East Chicago.

Monsignor John Siekierski was appointed the Seventh Pastor of St. Stanislaus in 1996. His term of office had been like that of Msgr. Skrzypinski – being confronted with a major project, the Five year Centennial Plan which was in process Seeing that plan fulfilled wasn’t the only task Msgr. John assumed. The changing needs and times of the Parish surfaced well. Employing his talents and working collaboratively with the Pastoral Council and its committees was another task. The following developments have taken place in just the past four years, which were Msgr. John’s first four years at St. Stanislaus. A Capital Development campaign was launched and completed.

The Parish Office was updated and computerized. A full-time Director of Religious Education was hired. The consolidation of St. Mary/St. Stanislaus School was put into effect. The Pierogi Makers and Cake Bakers also appeared.

Throughout his years as Pastor, Msgr. John has always worked to keep the parish strong and invite all to participate in its ministries. As soon as young adults were confirmed, he would ask them to become Eucharistic Ministers. He was proud that he knew many of the parishioners by first name and he always drew people to participate in his Sunday homilies.

In 2019, Mrsg John informed Bishop Hying that he would like to retire. With the shortage of priests, Bishop Hying decided that St. Stan’s and St. Mary’s in East Chicago would share Fr. Nestor Varon as Pastor. Msgr. John would stay in Residence in the Rectory and assist Fr. Nestor where he could. Fr. Nestor brought his joy for the mass to our parish. Unfortunately, the Covid 19 Pandemic hit us in March of 2020 and for a while no masses where said. Like with the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918, the parishioners of St. Stan’s prayed and did what they could to survive this scourge. Like many parishes, our parish saw the loss of life due to Covid 19.

In February 2021, the priests shortage again hit St. Stan’s. Fr. Nestor’s services where needed at other Parishes in East Chicago. Like an ace relief pitcher, Msrg. John was asked to come out of retirement to fill in as administrator until another priest can be named to lead St. Stan’s.